Jessica's Blog — Connections
Poverty isn't just for Christmas (or Living in Abundance and Generosity)
Posted by Jessica Duncan on

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- Tags: buy local, Connections, Conscious Consumers, Conscious Entrepreneurs, Equal Rights, Ethical consumerism, Ethical Shopping, Ethical Values, Granola, Healthy Eating
How Do We Care For Each Other? or Creating the Shtetl We Want to Live In.
Posted by Jessica Duncan on

We can care for those we love, and we can care for complete strangers. We see it every day. We do it every day. Community care happens despite atrocities. Community care happens because of atrocities.
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- Tags: Community, Connections, Conscious Consumers, Conscious Entrepreneurs, Ethical consumerism, Ethical Values, Giving Back, Human Rights, Local Business, Local Food, shop local
Posted by Jessica Duncan on

“You might rightly observe that we no longer live in small, insular societies, where generosity and mutual esteem structure our relations. But we could. It is within our power to create such webs of interdependence, quite outside the market economy. Intentional communities of mutual self-reliance and reciprocity are the wave of the future, and their currency is sharing. The move toward a local food economy is not just about freshness and food miles and carbon footprints and soil organic matter. It is all of those things, but it’s also about the deeply human desire for connection, to be in reciprocity...
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- Tags: Connections, Conscious Entrepreneurs, Ethical Entrepreneurs, famers markets, Farmers' Markets, Female Entrepreneur, Food Banks, Granola, independent businesses, Indigenous Rights, Local Business, shop local, Small Business, Social Justice, Successful Business
TRANSPARENTING - Five Years in and loving it!
Posted by Jessica Duncan on

 I wrote this blog post a few years ago, and, in honour of Pride Week starting in Victoria, BC, I have decided to re-post it. It has now been five years, almost to the day since my son informed us that he identifies as male. As he approaches his 19th birthday and legal adulthood, I could not be prouder of him. He is a smart, kind, compassionate, engaged, generous human being, and I am honoured to be his mother.  Well, it happened again. A friend recently asked me, “Are you okay? How are you doing?” Then, “It must...
- Tags: Connections, Conscious Entrepreneurs, Ethical Entrepreneurs, Social Justice, Transgender parenting
What Makes a Market Vendor?
Posted by Jessica Duncan on

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- Tags: Community, Connections, Ethical Entrepreneurs, Farmers' Markets, Local Business, Small Business