Jessica's Blog — Ethical Entrepreneurs

Singing Bowl Granola’s Canadian Content

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Singing Bowl Granola’s Canadian Content

First thing you’re told when you go into business is, “Don’t get political”. That was never going to be a rule I could follow. From the beginning, Singing Bowl Granola has been a vehicle for bringing positive change into my world. I know there will be plenty of people who do not consider my politics to be positive, and I apologize if anyone is offended by my convictions. Like so many others, I have really struggled with this whole “Canada 150” thing. Though I sure do love Canada, I am not exactly patriotic, and there are too many unpleasant aspects...

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Sometimes, small really is beautiful. Especially when it comes to sourcing what we eat. Hands down, the shopping experience at the farmers’ market always gets more thumbs up than throwing our dollars at the big, ever-growing corporate chains. Each and every time you visit a farmers’ market and spend a little of your hard earned cash, the entire community wins big. You walk away with some amazing local products while your local producers walk away to spend your money within your shared community. Everybody walks away connected and happy that they have played an important part in some one else’s...

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The Singing Bowl Granola Connections –Working Backwards to the very Beginning

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The Singing Bowl Granola Connections –Working Backwards to the very Beginning

Last month I wrote about one of the more recent connections I’ve made through Singing Bowl Granola, but lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Jen, and what a dear friend she is, not to mention, a local hero. October 2012, I’ve just finished my second season of selling granola at local farmers’ markets, and I’ve developed a taste for this biz. I’m buzzing from the high of repeat customers, new customers, knowing I’ve hit a bit of a winner with my products. Market season has ended, but I’m not ready to stop making and selling granola. Next step –...

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The Singing Bowl Granola Connections and Honouring Jordan on His 25th Birthday

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The Singing Bowl Granola Connections and Honouring Jordan on His 25th Birthday

The other day, after boohooing about my fridge breaking, and giving merry hell to the poor young repair guy who made the mistake of plonking his tool box down on my sterilized surfaces, I spent the better part of the next hour gaining perspective and being reminded that Love and Light are the only things that really matter in this sometimes frustrating, sometimes heartbreaking world. This story starts one Thursday evening last summer at the Sidney Street Market. Apparently I sold a kilo bag of Morning Chorus to a woman named Shar. I like to chat with my customers, but...

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