Jessica's Blog — Small Business

The Singing Bowl Granola Connections –Working Backwards to the very Beginning

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

The Singing Bowl Granola Connections –Working Backwards to the very Beginning

Last month I wrote about one of the more recent connections I’ve made through Singing Bowl Granola, but lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Jen, and what a dear friend she is, not to mention, a local hero. October 2012, I’ve just finished my second season of selling granola at local farmers’ markets, and I’ve developed a taste for this biz. I’m buzzing from the high of repeat customers, new customers, knowing I’ve hit a bit of a winner with my products. Market season has ended, but I’m not ready to stop making and selling granola. Next step –...

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Going Places, Just Not Boise Idaho

Posted by J & G Duncan on

Going Places, Just Not Boise Idaho

So, the other day I drove to Vancouver to stand in front of a panel of seven judges and give a four-minute pitch to convince them that Singing Bowl Granola should win the BC Food Production Association’s “Product of the Year” award. That four-minute pitch not only took an entire day of travel, but also a week of reflecting on the past six years of business and figuring out what the heck I’m actually doing here. I got up at 4:30am, pumped and empowered. The travel gods were with me. Every time I doubted my route, a low-flying eagle would...

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