Jessica's Blog

On Being a Female Entrepreneur in the Age of #MeToo

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

On Being a Female Entrepreneur in the Age of #MeToo
I am an independent woman engaged in the business world that has traditionally belonged to men. I cannot take my position and freedoms for granted knowing that everywhere, every day, every hour, my sisters are enslaved, imprisoned, endangered, denied basic rights.

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New Year Musings Part 2 - The Sour Stench of Greed

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

New Year Musings Part 2 - The Sour Stench of Greed
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – running a business puts you in a position of social responsibility.

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New Year Musings - The Sweet Smell of Success

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

New Year Musings - The Sweet Smell of Success
As I become more deeply entrenched in entrepreneurship, my definition of success becomes clearer, and that definition is based on how much my business can benefit those around me.

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The Gift of Good Food

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

The Gift of Good Food
As December approaches, I would like to encourage you to consider sharing some of your favourite artisan foods as gifts.

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Everybody Deserves to Eat

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

Everybody Deserves to Eat
I’ve never met anyone who regretted serving the poor and hungry.

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